First attempt and hopefully I can easily edit since I expect I will make many errors and have new thoughts and information to add. I have posted information on my Glenwood Washington Weather site and have sometimes felt sad when I deleted and the information sailed off into the never never land of cyber disappearance. It reminds me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Some think it has disappeared forever, others believe nothing ever really dies.
Well, I didn't really want my barn photo to disappear nor here goes #1.
I was in Leavenworth, (not the prison, but, the German looking town in Washington), for a few days and while walking along Front Street I stepped into an artist's small gallery. The painting below, immediately caught my eye. The artist is Doug Miller and this is what he says...
"With Mt. Adams in the distance, this countryside comprises the southern Washington area. Right after I did a plein air sketch of the barn, the farm owners started a fire to clean up dead grass, etc. The fire was a perfect addition to a cool scene."
And that answered my question to what I thought was an odd title for the painting.
Do you know what he said about the Glenwood Valley? It is Washington's best kept secret and we have so many interesting old barns.And....yes I bought the painting.
This is a photo of the barn taken by photographer Darlisa Black
during the Autumn season.
during the Autumn season.
And a winter scene by photographer Pavel Boxan.
In 1890 this property belonged to Oscar Kuhnhausen. The land patent was issued March 3, 1891 for section 22. That section today, includes 4, 90º corners on the BZ Glenwood Highway.
In 1913 the farm was owned by R.O. Timmerman. Oscar had moved to where Glenn and Mary Pierce now live and built a new home and barn which is now listed on the Washington State Register of Historic Barns.
In 1913 the farm was owned by R.O. Timmerman. Oscar had moved to where Glenn and Mary Pierce now live and built a new home and barn which is now listed on the Washington State Register of Historic Barns.
In 1934 the property was owned by Columbia State Bank.
The 1940 census shows George and Marcellana Lyle living there with 4 year old Don.
Cynthia, who lives there now, says those up and down boards are one solid piece and the upper loft is solid and sturdy.
The 1940 census shows George and Marcellana Lyle living there with 4 year old Don.
Cynthia, who lives there now, says those up and down boards are one solid piece and the upper loft is solid and sturdy.
Any guesses where the lumber was cut? Did it come from the James Shaw Mill on Bird Creek?
You can read more information about Oscar and family at
Glenwood History Photos
You can read more information about Oscar and family at
Glenwood History Photos